Black Swan

I just watched Black Swan, the movie currently out staring Natalie Portman (Nina) and Mila Kunis (Lily), and I have to say it was really good! It is a psychological thriller about a ballerina who finally gets her big break and gets the lead as the Swan Queen in the ballet Swan Lake. ) For all the non-dancers out there, getting to be the Swan Queen is a HUGE deal for a ballerina.) However, Lily is a new ballerina right on Nina's tail for the part. This movie is CRAZY, you are never really sure what exactly is going on and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. I set out to watch this movie because I heart all things dance, but the movie quickly grabbed me in with the story as well. The dancing in impeccable (I can't believe Natalie Portman did all her own dancing) and the acting is spot on. I've heard that Natalie Portman may get an Oscar nod for this role and it wouldn’t surprise me. So if you have a couple of hours to spare check out this flick! It's not like there is anything else good out in the theaters right now.

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