Highlander Series:
Spell of the Highlander: Cian MacKelter and Jessica St. James

Cian is a 9th century Highland Laird who also happens to be the most powerful Druid who has ever lived. Cian is dabbling in the black magicks with his “best friend” Lucan when Lucan tricked him and trapped him in the Dark Glass, for the next 11 centuries. Several months earlier a freak of circumstances allowed the mirror to be stolen and sold to the highest bidder. Jessi wished she could have some sort of life, any life really she wasn’t picky. She feels like she is never going to get a break until Professor Keene breaks several bones and sends Jessi to his office to accept a ‘package”. The package turns out to be an old mirror that she could have sworn that she saw the outline of a huge man, it freaks her out and she avoids the professor’s office for several days. When she can no longer avoid it she returns to the office only there is a strange blond man there and she just knows that he is going to try to hurt her. Then suddenly a huge man appears in the begging her to release him from the mirror. Convincing herself she’s in the middle of a dream she repeats the spell and releases the huge man and promptly curls up and falls asleep. The next day concerned she is crazy and in desperate need of a padded cell she goes back to the office only to have the man in the mirror still there and again trying to convenience her to release him from the mirror because her very life may depend on him. Cian has 20 days to keep this woman safe and to defeat Lucan and together he and Jessi go on the run for their very lives.
This is my first novel by K.M. Moning and I enjoyed her writing. It is funny, sexy and intelligent. When she mentions Lafayette, IN in the novel I about died, it’s my home town and no one cares about Lafayette, IN especially for it to appear in a novel however briefly. Then I flipped to the back of the cover and saw she went to Purdue University (located in Lafayette) and I liked her even more since I also went to Purdue. The novel is thoughtfully written with plenty of action, it’ll keep you interested. Both Cian and Jessi are relatable characters and I devoured the book in a few hours I just couldn’t put it down. There is defiantly magic with this book in more than one way. There were a couple of characters from previous novels that I am going to have to go back for!
4.5 moons out of 5
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