Dulcie O'Neil series:
Book 1:
To Kill a Warlock: Dulcie O'Neil

Dulcie is a kick arse take names sort of girl; she is a fairy with some serious skills. She’s not the type of fairy that is likely to frolic in a field of flowers; you would more likely find her at a shooting range. Dulcie is one of the top agents for the A.N.C (Association for Netherworld Creatures); although, one day she is hoping to have stock piled enough cash so that she could quit and be a full time romance novel writer. On the same day that Dulcie is hexed by a local Warlock to look like a scary troll like being, the same said warlock is killed. Suddenly Dulcie finds herself going from agent to suspect. She is working to clear her name when a incredibly handsome and too sexy for his own good Netherworld Agent approaches Dulcie and recruits her to work on this case. Suddenly Dulcie is in over her head and finds her life is in certain peril.
I have come to adore this series! H.P. Malory is funny and the characters are sexy and likeable. There is enough action going on so that you don’t get bored. And I absolutely love that hard arsed, man hating Dulcie is an aspiring romance novelist. I love that! You will highly enjoy each of the side characters; each has their own developed personality and fit into this world perfectly. I find them really well written. I heart Knight the Netherworld Agent and Loki. He’s just sexy and just the right amount of egotistical, you could call him an alpha, but he’s not too overwhelming. He also just has all of these powers that pop up at random times, and a man with a lot of power is sexy to me. He is one of my new favorite book boyfriends! I immediately started book 2 after I read this one and am now eagerly awaiting book 3 that is out this month. And one of the best parts is each book is only a few dollars! Go download Book 1 now if you haven’t already!
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