Psy-Changling Series:
Book 7:
Blaze of Memory: Dev Santos and Katya Haas

Katya wakes up in a hospital gurney with no memory and an oddly compelling male in front of her. Dev is responsible for every Forgotten One as the director of the Sunshine Foundation, and he knows that this mysterious woman has got to be a trap somehow, but he doesn’t yet know how, so he decides to keep her close. Katya’s memories come back little by little and she knows she is a puppet in a very dangerous game that will definitely mean her life, but damn is it going to mean the life of this man she has grown to respect and care for as well, she will die first, rather than after. As Katya’s memory comes back more and more, Dev knows that he shouldn’t be anywhere near her, that she will be compelled to kill him but damn if he does want to protect her instead. But the time bomb that is Katya’s brain is ticking down and there isn’t much time before “it” happens and lives are lost.
This book could have been more, more of everything. Dev has these awesome abilities but he only uses them once and barely, why, I have no idea. Why even give him powers if you are only going to hint at them but never display them. All the Psy in previous books and future books, their powers are on full display, so why Dev is different, I don’t know. Katya is a strong woman and determined but she mostly struggles with her own brain through the book, which granted based on what was done to it is completely understandable. The whole reason for “going north” was kind of lame and watered down. But the journey was entertaining. Oh but the kicker in this book, which boosts the score up at least a half a point is the ending, I’m not going to give it away, but that was pretty cool. I do believe a tear came to my eye.
What I really love about Nalini Singh in general is she is not afraid to bring in interracial relationships. She showcases every race and often makes her characters interracial and better for it. I really have to applaud that. So many books are white on white and all you ever get is white characters, this is definitely not the case with N. Singh and I love it!
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