Mercy Thompson Series:
Book 6:
River Marked: Mercy Thompson

Mercy and Adam finally tie the knot and head off on their honeymoon. They should have known something was up when Uncle Mike lent them his RV. No Fae does anything out of the kindness of their hearts. As it turns out there are Water Fae out unsupervised and unaccounted for along the Columbia River. According to Uncle Mike they should be “relatively harmless” to humans. While out enjoying a romp Adam and Mercy discover a boat that contains a Native American man who is bloody and missing a foot. While Mercy is moving the boat to the side of the river something grabs a hold of her leg leaving behind some nasty cuts. As more people turn out to be missing and Mercy has disturbing dreams, not to mention the visions and the ghosts, they realize there is more to this than meets the eye. As myths and legends of old surface they know that they could be facing their deadliest monster yet…
What I really liked about this book was all of the Native American culture and legends. There was a lot heavier emphasis on this book about Native culture in this book compared to previous books. Most of the supporting characters in this book are Native. I loved the introduction of Coyote in this book. I really enjoyed this character a lot and hope that we continue to see him throughout the remaining of the series. You also see Mercy and Adam a lot more on a one on one basis so their relationship becomes more real to me. I still wonder how P. Briggs is going to tackle the problem of Adam’s immortality and Mercy’s mortality (or is her life span a lot longer? Who knows?) What I missed was the supporting cast. I love Warren, Samuel and crew and missed them in this novel. I know they didn’t really have a place in this story line, but I still missed them. What I would have liked more of is Mercy’s abilities; we still do not know much of what exactly she is capable of. We meet other walkers in this book but what they can all do and not do is still somewhat hazy. Coyote is not very forthcoming on details. J Overall I enjoyed this book, the final fight scene didn’t disappoint like in some previous books, it felt more fleshed out. The book left you on a good note, at least in a mostly good ending point which is good because there is not another Mercy book set to come out for quite some time. If I had been left on a huge cliffhanger and then had to wait over a year for the next book I would have been pissed. LOL.

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