Royal House of Shadows Series:
Lord of Rage: Princess Breena and Osborn

Princess Breena is a witch and a dreamwalker, but her dreamwalking never quite worked. Her dreams only ever lead her to one man a dark warrior that she has started to consider her dream lover. It is her dream lover she is thinking of when her castle is attacked and she is flung somewhere out in the wilderness. Osborn and his two brothers are the last three of the proud race of the berserkers. His entire clan was massacred by what appeared to be vampires from the Kingdom of Elden. For the past years since the massacre Osborn has hired out his sword and tried to do the best he could with his brothers. Now, those same people who hired Osborn have turned on him so he returned to his peoples land to raise his brothers and live in peace, the only thing he looks forward to his the torture and pleasure he receives in his dreams each night. Breena finds herself walking and walking for how long she has no idea, but when she finds herself in a clearing with a small house. When she enters the house it’s to find food and three beds, hungry and exhausted she helps herself to both. Osborn and his brothers enter their house to find their food eaten, the chairs broken and a strange woman in Osborn’s bed. Almost at once Osborn realizes it’s the woman from his dreams, and she wants to use him like every other person. Breena realizes her dream man is real and a hell of a lot more mean in person, not only will he not help her, he kicks her out of his home. What happened to chivalry, shouldn’t he want to help her? Desperate, Breena manages to convince Osborn to let her stay at least one night. Osborn knows he’s made a huge mistake by letting her stay…
I really enjoyed this book. Jill Monroe is a new author to me, which is all part of the master plan for this series, to get you to read someone you might not have read before by tempting you with Gena Showalter and Nalini Singh, and I fell hook line and sinker and that was a good thing. I really enjoyed Breena as the protected princess turned warrior, her determination and grit is admirable. She was sheltered her entire life and wished for more and when her life falls instead of give up and wilt away she blossomed as a warrior. I love berserkers, in fact I don’t think there are enough books about berserkers. There is this one, one by Karen Marie Moning and one by Kresley Cole and I can’t think of any others, which is a damn shame. (Readers if you can think of any others please let me know in the comments because I want to read them.) Osborn was cranky and irritable, he hasn’t had much good happen in his life since his people were massacred but he has tried to the best he could for his brothers and he fears it hasn’t been enough. When Breena shows up he knows he’s not good enough for her but she doesn’t make it easy for him to stay away and he grumbles the whole time he’s helping her and despite himself their passion burns brighter then even in their dreams. I really enjoyed this pairing of pampered princess and the untamed berserker. Where there isn’t as much direct action as some of the other novels in this series it was in no way boring. Breen and Osborn along with his brothers kept things entertaining as well as their internal struggles. Now, what confused the crap out of me through the whole book and series was the timeline of this book and where it falls. This book probably should have been released first, I think it would have made more sense as the first book of the series; I definitely would have worried less about the timeline. Other books appear to take place 20 years in the future yet this one seems to take place right after the attack, at least I think it does, and it doesn’t add up with the rest of the books. To this day, even after I’ve read all four I am still not sure how this timeline fits in with the rest of the books, unless Breena was just chilling with Osborn waiting for 20 years. I don’t know, it just doesn’t fit, but it’s still a fantastic book and one of the best of the series.
*This book was provided to me by the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review.
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