Fever Series:
Book 5:
MacKayla Lane and Jericho Barrons

From: karenmariemoning.com
Twenty years later, Alina is dead and Mac has returned to
the country that expelled them to hunt her sister's murderer. But after
discovering that she descends from a bloodline both gifted and cursed, Mac is
plunged into a secret history: an ancient conflict between humans and immortals
that have lived concealed among us for thousands of years.
What follows is a shocking chain of events with devastating
consequences, and now Mac struggles to cope with grief, while continuing her
mission to acquire and control the Sinsar Dubh--a book of dark, forbidden magic
scribed by the mythical Unseelie King that contains the power to create and
destroy worlds.
At the end of Dreamfever we are at the cusp of a
catastrophic event, something that will change everything. At the beginning of Shadowfever we find out
what exactly had happened and the affect it had on Mac. Gone is Pink Mac, gone
is everything she ever cared about. The new Mac has a new agenda and it is not
pretty and in fact stands against everything.
Mac 4.0 is not my favorite Mac, In fact she drove me crazy
through most of the first half of this book. So much so that I was yelling at
her through the book like Mac could hear me. Lol. I’d get mad, put the book
down from frustration, need to know what happened next so pick the book back up
get mad again put it back down. It was an ongoing hate, frustration, get with
the program love, want to smack her up upside the head and scream wake UP Mac,
through pretty much all of the first half of the book. By the middle of the book it appeared Mac was
back with the program and a reinvented Mac once again to Mac 5.0. Although she
did still have her identity crisis moments, were kind of funny. If I was having
some of the thoughts she was having I probably would have been distressed too.
What killed me is she had her head so far up her arse that she just kept
leaving poor Christian in the mirrors. Poor guy was stuck in there for month’s
earth time and years fae time. I’m surprised he came out with his sanity mostly
intact. Shame on you Mac, he was her kind of friend and she needed him for the
ritual and she would forget about him and it would be days or longer before she
remembered him again. However, by the end she figures some stuff out. Starts
taking things on faith and not giving up hope and realizes that yes she tends
to make a disaster out of a lot. LOL. One thing about Mac is she usually
realizes what an idiot she was once she gets past being an idiot.
Barrons: Im not telling you anything. I know I suck, but you’ll thank me for it
This book is full of illusions and twists and turns. Up
until the very end Moning keeps pulling surprises out of her never ending bag
of tricks. There are some jaw dropping moments, some OMGs, she is not afraid to
go where she needs to go to keep you on your toes in this series and especially
in the last two books. Like I have said before just when you thought you had
something figured out she goes and changes all the rules on your again and you
have to reevaluate. Even as I was swearing at Mac, you were reacting. You come
to care about all of the characters, you’re attached. If you didn’t care you
would just be going ehh there she goes again with nothing behind it. But damn
if I wasn’t caught up in this rollercoaster ride of a series and book. Bad
things happen, good things happen, people die, its twist after turn of a fan
F’ing tastic ride that I am glad I got on. This series was an excellent way to
start the new year and I am very happy that I finally finally picked it up for
the 2012 TBR reading challenge, otherwise it may still have been pushed back
and I would have missed out of one hell of a ride.

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