Granger Family Series:
Book 1:
Deadly is the
Kiss: Ashe Granger and Juliana Sabine

Tasked with protecting humanity from harm, the last thing
Ashe Granger was searching for on his mission was his destined mate. Then, a
mysterious dark-eyed beauty reluctantly offered him shelter. A spark of
danger—and a soul-deep recognition—ignited a burning, carnal need. Since her
family's exile, Juliana Sabin had borne full responsibility for their safety.
So when evil struck, she had no choice but to ally herself with the sexy
guardian vampire. Now, months later, Ashe is back and tempting Juliana to
reveal her darkest secrets and desires. For the killer stalking the shadows
isn't acting alone—and he won't rest until his deadly cravings are fulfilled.
I have mixed feelings about this book and I’m not even
really sure what to rate it, I felt very differently about the first half of
the book as I did the second half of the book.
The First half of this book, I was somewhat bored, yes there
were some great steamy scenes, which I have to admit I did enjoy; however, the
character development in the first half was taken over by hormones. Ashe was so
overcome with the Burning he could barely think coherently let alone let us in.
I do remember Ashe from the one previous book that I had read of the Primal
Instinct series of which he was a reoccurring character, but I didn’t remember
much about him; other then he sure liked his ladies. I felt like I should have known him better
than I did, but for the first half of the book, I hadn’t formed any connection
to him as a character. Juliana was not
in the one other book that I did read, so she was a new character to me even
though she and Ashe had known each other for a year at this point. In the first half of the book she seemed
somewhat inconstant, I wasn’t sure if I liked her or not. She was kind of eh
for me in the beginning. The story line was primarily running and sex, running
and sex… eh, I need more than that to keep me engaged. It took me a while to get through the first
half, I’d read, put it down go do something else, come back to it, read put it
down, it was a vicious cycle.
Then the second half started and I found it hard to put the
book down. I’m not exactly sure what was the trigger, but it seemed as Ashe and
Juliana calmed down enough from the Burning to have an actual conversion, they
started opening up. The things that they had been covering up from their pasts,
they start communicating about. Now, you can start getting attached to Ashe and
Juliana. The story line picks up speed, we get more emotion, we get more of
everything. The second half of the book is what I was waiting for the entire
first half of the book. This is half is what I remembered from the last
Rhyannon Byrd, book that I had read and was wishing this book was more like.
You started seeing where Ashe and Juliana’s insecurities and fears came from,
heart breaking admissions come out. This is what I wish the entire book was. So
if you can endear past the first half there is a gem waiting for you in the
second half.
*Book provided to me from Netgalley for an honest review

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