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Q: What hyped up book do you think was not worth all the talk?
A: Twilight Series – Stephanie Meyer
Bella is quite possibly at the very top of my most annoying and irritating heroines of ALL TIME list. Could there be a worse bookish roll model? She had less then no self esteem and was obsessive compulsive about a man and fell into a deep depression due same said guy and didn’t come out of it until another man came round. (This is exactly what I would want my teenage daughter to emulate) I found Edward suffocating but it wasn’t all bad. I did enjoy the wolves and the rest of the Cullens. Meyer also has a way of sucking you in despite how annoyed you are with your “heroine”.

My other hyped series I could not get into was the Lara Adrian - Midnight Breeds. I tried 2x to get through the 1st book and I could not get into it at all. I don't understand the appeal.

I thought these were a little too over-hyped too. But then again.. I read them all!!!
ReplyDeleteJust saying hi! New blogger doing this meme for the first time. Congrats on being featured!
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It's funny you mention Twilight because I read Twilight and New Moon years ago before the fandom hype. They were just like any other series. I had no idea they would be so popular. It's just so funny to think about right now.
Definitely agree with you on Twilight! Thinking that might be a popular answer. I am ashamed of having read the books! Already donated my copies earlier this year to our library and let them have them for whatever reasons. Think they were going to sell the books to benefit the library or something!
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Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
I completely agree with Lara Adrian! I thought oh well everyone is talking about it, it must be good... but not for me. Meyer I think, appeals to those at the right age. I read it when she first released the novel so I think I was roughly 14/15. It suits perfectly for the 'teenage angst' period that everyone goes through, but the older you get it's like errrm, what?! haha.
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I really enjoyed Twilight, but sometimes I feel that I was a teen in love with the idea of Twilight when I read it. If I were to read it now... Maybe my opinion might change! ;) As for your other pick, I haven't really heard of it...
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Old follower here!
I enjoyed Twilight.. but didn't "ENJOY" them.. they were a good YA series but I seriously prefer Cinda Chima Williams or Rick Riordan if I am going to read YA.. and Lara Adrian does nothing for me.. I try, seriously I try but nope nothing and you know what other series I read and just basically liked.. but didn't go gaga over? BDB.. I know.. I now have to go into hiding
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with Twilight. I get a lot of flack since I haven't actually finished the series, but I struggled through the first book, I can't even imagine the others. I'll eventually go through and read the series subjectively, but not right now.
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Wow! Twilight is a very popular today!
Kinx's Book Nook
I've not read the Midnight series, but I definitely agree with Twilight!
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ReplyDeletelol I was actually a Twilight fangirl before the movies came out, then the movies and all the hype ruined it for me, but that was before paranormal YA romance was a thing. Now I wouldn't go back to read it at all.
ReplyDeleteI read the first book in the Midnight Breeds. I liked it well enough but really have no urge to read the rest of the series. A group of vampire warriors fighting against evil? Been there read that. Plenty of times. It just wasn't refreshing enough for me, especially since I've already read the Dark Hunters and BDB.
Meh. That's how I feel about Twilight. I did read all of them but don't care for them. I could not get into Lara Adrian's series either. I think I quit in the 3rd book. "Bothers" finding lovers... JR Ward is my fave for that type of thing.
ReplyDeleteOld GFC new Linky. ;)
New follower :)
ReplyDeleteI swear I have that love hate with Twilight. I really do enjoy the series. I know how terribly cheezy it is too. I am just hooked on the pure cheeze of it and the epic romance of it.
JR Ward, I am told to read her books ALL the flippin time and I have yet to do it.
What book should I begin with?
Follow Friday
I never even tried Twilight . . . just not my thing. :)
ReplyDeleteI thought the ideas in Twilight were brilliant, but I think Meyer killed it with her writing ability/style. Once you get past the story and really think back on what you read, you go omg I wasted like 1000 pages of my time. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
ReplyDelete-Angeline @BerdsFly
I agree with you 100% on Bella. NOT A ROLE MODEL!!!
ReplyDeleteOld follower!
I felt the same way about Twilight though I read the whole series.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my FF and I'm following you back. =)
You're very generous, calling Bella an heroine. Following you back.
ReplyDeleteFF blog hoping follow back great blog you have :) htpp://www.vampandstuff.com
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I agree with you on Twilight but I haven't heard of the other book.
ReplyDeleteNew to your blog and FF.