Ok so I’m not going to do the “Best Of” but my “Favorites Of”, what’s the difference you ask? My favorites my not have received the highest ratings but they have managed to stick out in the over 200 books I’ve read this year. Something about these books stand above the others, whether it be the characters, the plot or just some extra “it” factor.
Sometimes and I hate to admit this and at the time I don’t think I realize I’m doing it, but, I’ll give an established author that may be one of my favorites a lower score because I expect more from them and am comparing the book to their other works. Also maybe a new author to me will get a higher score, because I had lower expectations of the work. Is this fair? Probably not. Am I the only one that does this, even subconsciously??
Ok, so I am not going to rank these books against each other because if you made it this far, they are all number one’s in my mind. So I am only including books that were published in 2012, even if I read them in 2011 with a 2012 release date or read them in 2012 with a 2013 release date. On this blog I am only including Paranormal or Urban Fantasy titles. I’ll do a master list including contemporary and histricals on my other blog “Lets Get Romatical”.
Sealed with a Curse – Cecy Robson (Weird Girls Series) Releases December 31st

This is another debut author this year! This series follows four sisters who are the product of a backfired curse. Each sister had unique powers and totally kicks ass. I like that although there is one POV from the oldest sister we always know what’s going on with the other sister and they each have distinct personalities. This new series is fun and sassy and is sure to keep you entertained!
Grab it on Amazon: Cecy Robson - Sealed With a Curse: A Weird Girls Novel
Shadow’s Claim – Kresley Cole (Immortals After Dark/Dacians Series) Released November 27th

It’s no secret I am a total fan girl of Kresley Cole’s. I love pretty much everything releases. I like to joke that she could sneeze on a piece of paper and publish it and I’d love it. LOL! This book lived up to my fan girl expectations. It had humor, action and steamy action. Our hero is a total alpha and our heroine finds her inner badass and holds her own by the end.
Grab it on Amazon: Kresley Cole - Shadow's Claim (Immortals After Dark: the Dacians)
Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet – Darynda Jones (Charlie Davidson Series) Released October 30th

So, I just started reading this series this year and I’m pissed at myself for waiting so long. I love this series and this book is no exception. Charlie is freak’n hilarious and Reyes is one of the best Alpha hero’s on the “Urban Fantasy” genre (Where the series follows the same main characters throughout). Yes I said it! Reyes is mysterious, sexy, and a total alpha! Yummy! Charlie kicks some ass and she’s THE Grim Reaper!
Grab it on Amazon: Darynda Jones - Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (Charley Davidson Series)
Poison Princess – Kresley Cole (Arcana Chronicles) Released October 1st

This is KC’s young adult debut and she kicks it off with a bang. Now granted I read next to no YA so really in this genre it could suck, but as an adult that doesn’t read YA it was really good. It was different and refreshing. It’s a post apocalyptic world and our heros are based off of tarot cards. The teenagers are not too annoying with self esteem issues. (SO no Bella Swan here) our main hero is a whiskey drinking, foul mouthed, smart ass not unlike Cade from the IAD series. I do recommend this book to anyone!
Grab it on Amazon: Kresley Cole - Poison Princess (Arcana Chronicles)
Archangel’s Storm – Nalini Singh (Guild Hunters) Released September 4th

Because it’s Jason’s book and its Nalini Singh writing it; need I say more?
Grab it on Amazon: Nalini Singh - Archangel's Storm (Guild Hunter)
Moonglow – Kristen Callihan (Darkest London Series) Released July 31st

Kristen Callihan was my breakout new author this year. Both Moonglow and Firelight were amazing and are on this list. She writes paranormal historical romance that is unique and refreshing. Moonglow had me crying at two or three different parts and it’s hard to get me crying. Callihan knows how to write a memorable story.
Grab it on Amazon: Kristen Callihan - Moonglow (Darkest London)
Once Burned – Jeaniene Frost (Dark Prince Series) Released June 26th

This is a spinoff of the Night Huntress, only it’s Vlad’s series! I have adored Vlad ever since we meet him in the Night Huntress series. He is such a smart ass and sexy as hell. He lives up to that in his own book. His heroine is also pretty kick ass and just as much of a smart ass as Vlad is, I loved their interaction with each other, and it was constant laughs and excitement!
Grab it on Amazon: Jeaniene Frost - Once Burned: A Night Prince Novel
Lethal Rider – Larissa Ione (Lords of Deliverance Series) Released May 22nd

Thantos! You sexy sexy mythical man you! Haha ok for those who may not be familiar with this series it follows the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Thantos is Death and my favorite of the horseman. This book follows in true Ione style and was high action, laughs and steamy as hell. You can’t go wrong with a Larissa Ione book.
Grab it on Amazon: Larissa Ione - Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance)
Oracle’s Moon – Thea Harrison (Elder Races Series) Released March 6th

This was by far one of my favorite books on 2012. I love the Elder Races series and this is one of my favorite books of the series. I loved the Djinn’s and our heroine was feisty and could hold her own! I think I read this book 3 times this year.
Grab it on Amazon: Thea Harrison - Oracle's Moon (A Novel of the Elder Races)
Firelight - Kristen Callihan (Darkest London Series) Releases January 31st

Kristen Callihan was my breakout new author this year. Both Moonglow and Firelight were amazing and are on this list. She writes paranormal historical romance that is unique and refreshing. Our hero and heroine were touching and the story was both intriguing and exciting. It was definitely a unique take on paranormal!
Grab it on Amazon: Kristen Callihan - Firelight (Darkest London)
A Demon Does it Better – Linda Wisdom (Demons Series) Released January 1st

I totally forgot this book released in 2012! I read it what seems like so long ago and I still remember this book! It is one of my favorites. It has witches, demons, spells and hexes! Linda Wisdom also has such a great sense of humor. This one sticks out in my memory because of the characters. I loved Lily and Jared. This one is a bit different than a lot of healer stories in that is involves mental illness rather than physical illness. This is not usually the case.
Grab it on Amazon: Linda Wisdom - Demon Does It Better (Demons)

I want to try Darynda Jones (Charlie Davidson Series) Already got my copy of Moonglow, Once Burned, Oracles Moon, Lethal Rider. Loved Firelight. Still have to get Arangels storm, Shadows Claim and Poison Princess. Yep I am way behind.