Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday Jams – perfect song for books

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Jams, a weekly post hosted @ Salacious Reads

Its funny that Sharonda choose movie soundtracks bc I was going to go with a book theme. There have been two songs from books that have been on heavy rotation lately.

The first: Three Days Grace – Pain

Olivia Cunning credits this song for being the sole inspiration of Jace from her Sinners on Tour series and I couldn’t agree more that this song embodies Jace perfectly!  Plus it’s a great song.

The next is Brandi Carlile - The Story

This song is credited in Jessica Sorenson’s book The Forever of Ella and Micha. This song comes in at a wedding were Ella and Micha are dancing possibly for the first time. They are both a bit battered around the edges but together the are perfect for each other. This song is perfect for that scene and even more so for this couple!

I know I’m slacking and haven’t participated in forever! I do apologize for that inconvenience.

Amanda darkkind


  1. Can't believe I haven't heard that first one before but damn I love it! I still need to read her series too. I've even got them on the Nook waiting for me. Makes me want to grab them up now!

    herding cats & burning soup

  2. O....M...G! I love your picks! got me all bothered...lols.

    I've read book 1 in O Cunnings Sinners books...hot to def & the song is perfect!

    Micah & Ella...I still have to read, but I'm a get to it.

    gosh! I love your picks this week!
