Blood Warrior: Tallis Pendray and Kavya Indranan
(Dragon Kings #2)

As a young man, sarcastic, violent Tallis Pendray believed
the Dragon Kings’ survival depended on a prophecy delivered in dreams by a
woman named “the Sun.” His role has been to complete inexplicable, even
reprehensible tasks. First, by murdering a priest, he united his fragmented
clan in their hatred of him. Dubbed “the Heretic,” Tallis fled his family’s
Highland estate. Now disillusioned, he seeks revenge on the woman he holds
responsible for two decades of exile.
Telepath Kavya Indranan is a charismatic, seductive cult
leader born to a prominent family. However, she grew up terrorized by the
ominous threat of her powerful, insane twin brother. On the run and hiding
among the poor, she witnessed the destruction wrought by her clan’s
centuries-old civil war. Maturity nurtures Kavya’s determination to end the
cycle of bloodshed. Those who follow her call for peace have nicknamed her “the
For me this book was much anticipated. I really enjoyed the
first two books and found them both memorable and unique, so for the past few
months I had been waiting in anticipation to get my hands on a copy of this
book. When I finally got it, I dove right in, only to be left somewhat
underwhelmed by this installment. It wasn’t bad, but it just didn’t have the
punch that the first two books had. At least for me. The first book SILENT
WARRIOR was humorous, action packed and steamy as all get out. The second book
CAGED WARRIOR while pretty dark was intriguing, interesting, and seriously
action packed all making this book as page turner. With BLOOD WARRIOR I was
expecting a book loaded with action, but all we really got was a bunch of
talking. Not much of anything happens, which makes the book drag in places.
Tallis was at least funny, so we got some laughs out of the
book. As a character I actually liked Tallis, we met him in CAGED WARRIOR and
he leaves an impression. As berserker he has great strength and speed and he
knows how to wield them both, it’s a shame we don’t get to see it more. The
action scenes there are, he’s pretty fierce! I wouldn’t want to tangle with
him. He’s an intriguing character that I think Lindsey Piper could have done so
much more with. He spends a lot of time swinging back and forth between liking
and bashing Kavya, which can leave the reader with a bit of whiplash. A little
push and pull is fun, but too much can just leave the reader doubting the
romantic connection between characters which is what ended up happening for me.
I didn’t doubt the attraction, but the “more” was tough to swallow.
Kavya, was a character I just never got into; which may also
be part of the reason I wasn’t fully sold on the romance. She is supposed to be
charismatic to the point that she starts a whole cult that basically worships
her. What I found her to be was wishy washy and her character and ability was
full of holes. Bu here is the thing, so Tellis started getting visits from the
Sun at 20 years ago, when Kavya was 12. I find it very doubtful that at 12 when
the Sun was just fully coming into their power it was able to find a certain
mind halfway across the world (The Sun was in India, Tellis in Scottland)
invade their mind in dream and with very graphic sexual dreams convince him to
basically be its pet assassin. How was the Sun even find his mind and what did
it know what it was looking for?? And how the hell did she build up her
following? This was never really explained. There was something else with the
Sun plotline that was really bugging me but I can’t discuss without some
serious spoilers. The whole Sun plotline was just full of holes and too
farfetched even by paranormal standards. Even if you take the whole Sun
plotline away she just seems too weak, wishy washy, naïve and doesn’t have much
in the personality department. I’m just not quite sure what Tellis sees in her.
The book wasn’t all that bad, it was very well written and
flowed very nicely. We get more in depth into the Dragon King world and I am
still intrigued by the series as a whole and really want to see where it is
going. The action scenes there are, are pretty great. I gotta say I really
liked the blizzard scene. It had you perked up in your seat for a bit. The
final show down there is a “twist” that you may or may not have seen coming to
some degree. The fighting in the finale was pretty good Tellis gets to show off
his skills. The sexy times while I wasn’t much of a fan of Kavya, I do have to
admit the scenes were pretty hot. Tellis gives a pretty good strip tease; I
wouldn’t have minded trading places with Kavya for that one. Oh to have a
berserker of my very own! I wish! Although this book will not be my favorite of
the series, I am not giving up on this series. I am still looking forward to
the next book it definitely looks interesting.
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