Coming Back by Lauren Dane
(Ink & Chrome #3)

Arriving back in Seattle after five years, Jessilyn Franklin is done pretending she didn't want two men. She's done letting anything stop her from being with Adam and Mick, now back from the war and working at Twisted Steel, a custom hot rod and motorcycle shop. One night changes everything, but their relationship must strengthen to weather the storms they'll face as they make their way back to one another.
Ok, I am officially done, no more Lauren Dane books for me. They are just too hit and miss.. More misses than hits and I no longer want to attempt to weed through which will be the rare hit. It’s like she tries to take on too much in the way of kink and it doesn’t translate well. Here we have a threesome situation and a D/s situation (I think) all in one. I say pick one, if you can’t do one of them well then you certainly aren’t going to do two in one well. Just saying. It’s like kink #2 just gets thrown in there as an afterthought. I dont think I would mind so much if the plot was substantial enough to carry the story despite that, but sadly, this one wasn’t. We basically just get dropped into the middle of a relationship with little back story and we are just supposed to buy into it. It just wasn’t working for me, I want to know what happened, why do they feel the way they do? We have questions, you would think they would get answered throughout the course of the book, they dont. So anyway I had some high hopes for this book, hoping we would be back to the level of the first book but I was left disappointed.. Again. I know a lot of people LOVED this book, but I was just not one of them.
**Review copy was provided for an honest review. No other compensation was provided.
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